
Biemann Medal

Photo of Klaus Biemann

The Biemann Medal is awarded to an individual early in his or her career in recognition of significant achievement in basic or applied mass spectrometry. The Biemann Medal was established by contributions from students, postdoctoral associates and friends to honor Professor Klaus Biemann. The medal is conferred at the ASMS Annual Conference with the presentation of a $5,000 cash award, the Biemann Medal, and the award lecture.

Nominations are due November 30. To submit a nomination use the online nomination form link posted below.

Gary J. Patti, 2024 Recipient

Biemann - PattiGary J. Patti is the recipient of the 2024 ASMS Biemann Medal for his pioneering work in the field of metabolomics. Specifically, Gary has developed innovative experimental strategies and computational algorithms that leverage stable isotope labels to understand the dynamic role of metabolism in biology.

The resources that Gary has created are gold standards in the field, and his work is exemplary of how metabolomics should be applied to study biology. Three of Gary’s major contributions to metabolomics include 1. “credentialing” mass spectrometry ions of biological relevance; 2. mapping the comprehensive fate of labeled nutrients; and 3. tracing metabolites exchanged between neighboring cells and tissues in vivo.

Dr. Patti is the Michael and Tana Powell Professor of Chemistry at Washington University in St Louis.

Download full 2024 ASMS Awards Announcement


Eligibility & How To Submit a Nomination

Nominee must be a current ASMS member and within the first 15 years of receiving the Ph.D. at the time the nomination is received. Nominations will be active for as long as the nominee is eligible, or for a maximum of 3 years (whichever is less). Consistent with the award’s goal of recognizing a recipient early in his or her career, no exceptions to the 15-year post-Ph.D. eligibility requirement will be considered. For example, eligible nominees for the November 30, 2023 nomination should have received their 2008 or later.

How to Submit a Nomination Using the Online Nomination Form
Prepare the following information and elements:

  • Nominee name, affiliation, position title, email, year in which Ph.D. was received, and ASMS member status.
  • Nominator name and email.
  • Short description of the nominee's significant achievement in basic or applied mass spectrometry (1-page max). To be uploaded as PDF.
  • List of the nominee’s publications pertaining to the significant achievement. To be uploaded as a PDF.
  • Upload copy of up to two (2) of the nominee’s publications relevant to the achievement (one is required). 
  • Two support letters. Provide names and email addresses for both letter writers. Upload the letters of support OR request letter writers to send letters directly to by November 30. It is the responsibility of the nominator to insure that suppport letters are received by on or by the November 30 deadline.

NOVEMBER 30 DEADLINE for complete nomination (online form with support letters uploaded or online form with support letters sent separately via email).

Nominations are held for three years so long as the date of PhD is still within the eligible range.

Go to Online Nomination Form