Up to five ASMS Postdoctoral Career Development Awards in the amount of $5,000 each will be presented annually. The purpose of the award is to promote the professional career development of postdoctoral fellows in the field of mass spectrometry. Activities envisioned for this award include, but are not limited to, conference and workshop attendance, travel to other mass spectrometry laboratories, and purchase of personal professional items such as books, software, or laptops.
Deadline to apply is November 30. Scroll down for eligibility and details on application process.
2024 Postdoc Career Development Award Recipients
Download full 2024 ASMS Awards Announcement
Eligibility & How To Apply
Applicant must:
- be a member of ASMS;
- be a postdoctoral fellow within three years of completing a Ph.D. or equivalent degree;
- be currently appointed as a postdoctoral fellow in North America (e.g., in academia, industry, a government or national laboratory or at a research institute);
- may not have previously received an award under this program; and
- be appointed as a postdoctoral fellow during the entire period of the award (June 1 – May 31).
Fiscal Requirements for award recipients. The award is $5,000 to the institution or institution-related foundation for the exclusive use by the awardee. Funds may not be used to subsidize the awardee’s salary. Laboratory supplies, accessories, instrumentation or instrumentation upgrades are also not eligible expenses for award funds. The funds are to be expended on activities that enhance the awardee’s professional development including, but are not limited to, conference and workshop attendance, travel to other mass spectrometry laboratories, and purchase of personal professional items such as books, software, or laptops. In accepting this award, the awardee’s institution must agree to not charge overhead on the funds. Funds must be expended before the end of the postdoctoral fellowship. Funds granted under this program may not be be transferred to a different institution in the event the awardee moves, and unused funds must be returned to ASMS.
- Complete and submit the online application.
- Insure that required support letters are sent to info@asms.org by the November 30 deadline.
Information and Elements Needed for the Online Application
- Fiscal proposal and justification (two-page max)
This document will explain how the $5,000 award will be used to enhance the applicant’s professional career development. Note: Salaries, laboratory supplies, accessories, instrumentation or instrumentation upgrades are not eligible expenses for award funds.
For applications requesting funds to support a visit to another laboratory, a brief description of the expected research activities along with an estimate of the duration of the visit needs to be provided within the Fiscal Proposal and Justification. A 3rd support from the PI of the laboratory to be visited confirming willingness to host the applicant for the proposed experience is also required.
SAMPLE Fiscal Proposal and Justification There is no required format, but you may use the attached sample as a guide for how to format and what to cover.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Support Letters. A minimum of two required letters must be sent to info@asms.org by the November 30 deadline.. IF requesting funds to support a visit to another laboratory a third letter from the PI of the lab to be visited to confirm willingness to host the applicant for the proposed experience.
All support letters should be sent directly to info@asms.org. Applicant will be prompted to list letter writer names in the online application.
- Letter from applicant's Ph.D. advisor (required)
- Letter from applicant's post-doctoral mentor (required)
- Letter from proposed host PI (required only if funds will be used to support visit from another lab)
Review and Ranking of Candidates. The ASMS President will appoint a review committee to rank the candidates based on their proposals and letters of recommendation. The awards will be presented at the ASMS Business Meeting at the annual conference.
Go to online application