Short Courses
Check-in and badge printing
Tutorial Lectures (this session will include two lectures)
Opening Session, Carlito Lebrilla, presiding
Opening Plenary Lecture
7:45 - 9:00 pm
Corporate Member Breakfast Seminars, Convention Center AND Hilton Baltimore
Oral Sessions: MOA - MOH am (eight parallel sessions)
Poster Session, Exhibits, Lunch Break Odd-numbered poster boards present 10:30 - 11:30 am PLUS 12:30 - 2:30 pm Even-numbered poster boards present 10:30 am - 12:30 pm PLUS 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Networking Session in the Poster-Exhibit Hall
Oral Sessions: MOA - MOH pm (eight parallel sessions)
Plenary Session, Joseph A. Loo presiding
Presentation of Al Yergey MS Scientist Awards and Award Lecture for John B. Fenn Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry Award
Monday Evening Workshops (hosted by ASMS Interest Groups or Independent organizers)
8:00 - 11:00 pm
Corporate Member Breakfast Seminars, Convention Center AND Baltimore Hilton
Oral Sessions: TOA - TOH am (eight parallel sessions)
Poster Session, Exhibits, Lunch Break
Odd-numbered poster boards present 10:30 - 11:30 am PLUS 12:30 - 2:30 pm Even-numbered poster boards present 10:30 am - 12:30 pm PLUS 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Networking Session(s) in the Poster-Exhibit Hall
Oral Sessions: TOA - TOH pm (eight parallel sessions)
4:45 - 5:30 pm
Presentations for Research Awards and PUI Research Award followed by Biemann Medal presentation and lecture
Tuesday Evening Workshops (hosted by ASMS Interest Groups or Independent organizers)
Oral Sessions: WOA - WOH am (eight parallel sessions)
Networkings Session(s) in the Poster-Exhibit Hall
Oral Sessions: WOA - WOH pm (eight parallel sessions)
ASMS Meeting, Julia Laskin, presiding
Wednesday Evening Workshops (hosted by ASMS Interest Groups or Independent organizers)
Oral Sessions: ThOA - ThOH am (eight parallel sessions)
Oral Sessions: ThOA - ThOH pm (eight parallel sessions)
Closing Session, Joseph A. Loo, presiding
Closing Plenary Lecture
Closing Event at the National Aquarium - ADVANCE PURCHASE TICKET REQUIRED
Ticket sales close Monday June 2 at 12pm NOON or when tickets sell out. There is a capacity limit of 1,500 attendees for this event.