
Ron Hites Award

Photo of Ron HitesThe Ron Hites Award is given annually for an exemplary paper published in the previous two volumes of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. The Award recognizes a high quality presentation of outstanding original research. Ron Hites served as President of ASMS from 1988-1990 and founded JASMS in 1988. This award was created to honor his significant contributions to the Society.

The winning manuscript is selected by a confidential committee. Selection is based on the committee's judgement of each paper's innovative aspects, technical quality, likely stimulation of future research, likely impact on future applications, and quality of presentation. Manuscript citations and impact factor may also be considered but are not the major determinants of selection.

The principal author will receive $2,000 and all co-authors will receive certificates of commendation. Awards are presented at the ASMS annual conference. Scroll down for details on how to submit a nomination.

Dimitris Papanastasiou, 2024 Recipient of the Ron Hites Award

Hites - dimitris
The 2024 Ron Hites Award recognizes Dimitris Papanastasiou (Fasmatech Science & Technology) is recipient of the 2024 Ron Hites Award along with co-authors (Diamantis Kounadis, Alexandros Lekkas, Ioannis Orfanopoulos, Andreas Mpozatzidis, Athanasios Smyrnakis, Elias Panagiotopoulos, Mariangela Kosmopoulou, Maria Reinhardt-Szyba, Kyle Fort, Alexander Makarov, and Roman A. Zubarev) for their paper “The Omnitrap Platform: A Versatile Segmented Linear Ion Trap for Multidimensional Multiple-Stage Tandem Mass Spectrometry”; Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2023, 34, 7, 1359-1371.

How to Submit a Nomination

ELIGIBILITY. Eligible papers for the 2025 Award should have been published in 2023 or 2024. Manuscripts that include the Editor-in-chief or Associate editors as co-authors are not eligible.



  • Paper Title and Citation
  • Principal author name, affiliation, and email
  • Brief statement (300 words max) to describe why the paper should be considered for the Ron Hites Award


Past Recipients of the Ron Hites Award

2024:  Dimitris Papanastasiou, Fasmatech Science & Technology, and co-authors Diamantis Kounadis, Alexandros Lekkas, Ioannis Orfanopoulos, Andreas Mpozatzidis, Athanasios Smyrnakis, Elias Panagiotopoulos, Mariangela Kosmopoulou, Maria Reinhardt-Szyba, Kyle Fort, Alexander Makarov, and Roman A. Zubarev for their paper "The Omnitrap Platform: A Versatile Segmented Linear Ion Trap for Multidimensional Multiple-Stage Tandem Mass Spectrometry", 2023, 34, 7, 1359-1371.

2023:  Joshua Sharp, University of Mississippi, and co-authors Emily E. Chea, Sandeep K. Misra, Ron Orlando, Marla Popov, Robert W. Egan, David Holman, and Scot R. Weinberger for their paper “Flash Oxidation (FOX)  System: A Novel Laser-Free Fast Photochemical Oxidation Protein Footprinting Platform”, 2021, 32, 1601-1609.

2022: Elyssia Gallagher, Baylor University, and co-authors O. Tara Liyanage, Ana V. Quintero, Jacob B. Hatvany for their paper “Distinguishing Carbohydrate Isomers with Rapid Hydrogen/ Deuterium Exchange-Mass Spectrometry;” J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2021) 32, 152-156.

2021: Michael T. Marty, University of Arizona, and co-authors Marius M. Kostelic, Alex M. Ryan, Deseree J. Reid, and Jibriel M. Noun for their paper “Expanding the Types of Lipids Amenable to Native Mass Spectrometry of Lipoprotein Complexes” (J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2019) 30:1416Y1425).

2020: Stephen J. Valentine, West Virginia University and co-authors for their paper Comprehensive Peptide Ion Structure Studies Using Ion Mobility Techniques: Part 3. Relating Solution-Phase to Gas-Phase Structures; Samaneh Ghassabi Kondalaji, Mahdiar Khakinejad, and Stephen J. Valentine; J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2018) 29:1665-1677.

2019: Julia Laskin, Purdue University and co-authors for their paper Towards High-Resolution Tissue Imaging Using Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Shear Force Microscopy; Son N. Nguyen1, Ryan L. Sontag2, James P. Carson3, Richard A. Corley2, Charles Ansong2 and Julia Laskin1; 1Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, 2Biological Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, 3Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; JASMS Vol. 29, Feb. 2018, pp. 316-322, DOI 10.1007/s13361-017-1750-8.

2018: Peter B. Armentrout, University of Utah and co-authors John E. Carpenter, Christopher P. McNary, April Furi, Andrew F. Sweeney; Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UTJASMS Vol. 28, Sept 2017, pp. 1876-1888, DOI 10.1007/s13361-017-1693-0.

2017: Thomas Rizzo, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and co-authors Antoine Masson1, Michael Z. Kamrath1, Marta A. S. Perez1, Matthew S. Glover (pictured on left)2, U. Röthlisberger1, David E. Clemmer2, Thomas R. Rizzo11École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2Indiana University; JASMS 2015, 26, 1444-1454

2016: Kevin Pagel, Max Plank Society Berlin, and co-authors Johanna Hofmann and Waldemar Hoffmann for their paper Energy-Resolved Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry, JASMS 2014, 25, 471-479.

2015: John Klassen, University of Alberta, and, co-authors Lan Liu, Alyson Baergen, Klaus Michelsen, Elena N. Kitova, and Paul D. Schnier; for their paper Energetics of Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonds in a Hydrophobic Cavity: JASMS, 2014, 25, 742-750.

2014:  Evan R. Williams, Harry J. Sterling; Alexander F. Kintzer; Geoffrey K. Feld; Catherine A. Cassou; Bryan A. Krantz; for their paper Supercharging Protein Complexes from Aqueous Solution Disrupts their Native Conformations; JASMS 2012, vol. 23, pages 191 – 200.

2013:  Gary M. Hieftje, Alexander W. G. Graham, Steven J. Ray, Christie G. Enke, Charles J. Barinaga, David W. Koppenaal; "First Distance-of-Flight Instrument: Opening a New Paradigm in Mass Spectrometry;" J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2011, 22, 110-117.

2012:  Hao Chen, Shiyong Wu, and Zhixin Miao; Ohio University; "The Study of Protein Conformation in Solution via Direct Sampling by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry;" J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2010, 21, 1730 - 1736.

2011:  Scott A. McLuckey, T. –Y. Huang, T.-Y., and J. Liu; Purdue University; “Top-Down Tandem Mass Spectrometry of tRNA via Ion Trap Collision-induced Dissociation;” JASMS 2010, Vol. 21(6), 890-898.

2010:  Facundo Fernandez, Leonard Nyadong, Sameer Late, Michael D. Grren, and Ajay Banga; Georgia Institute of Technology; “Direct Quantitation of Active Ingredients in Solid Artesunate Antimalarials by Noncovalent Complex Forming Reactive Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry;” JASMS 2008, Vol. 19, 380-388.

2009:  Alison E. Ashcroft, David P. Smith, Kevin Giles, Robert H. Bateman, and Sheena E. Radford; Leeds University; “Monitoring Copopulated Conformational States during Protein Folding Events Using Electrospray Ionization-Ion Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry;” JASMS 2007, 18, 2180-2190.