
Student/Post-Doc Travel Stipends

Application Deadline: August 23, 2024

Travel stipends of up to $750 each + free registration are available to graduate students and post-docs within two years of first appointment. Stipend recipients will also receive complimentary registration.

Go to Online Application Form

Eligibility & Requirements

  • Applicants must be a full-time graduate student or post-doc within two years of first appointment.
  • Applicant must not have received Sanibel, Fall Workshop, Asilomar Conference nor Annual Conference Graduate Student travel award within the calendar year of the conference.
  • Limit of one applicant per group (student or post-doc).
  • ASMS membership, preference will be given to applicants that are current ASMS members.
  • Applicants must submit an abstract for conference presentation. The abstract must be submitted separately from the travel stipend application. A copy of the submission should be included with application for stipend.
  • Letter of recommendation from advisor. Applicant may upload in the online application or advisor may email directly to Letter must be received by the application deadline.

Go to Online Application Form